*You can download the "World Maker" app for free on the Apple App Store and Google Play.

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Download "World Maker"for free

*You can download the "World Maker" app for free on the Apple App Store and Google Play.


World Maker is a tool born from JUMP+.

It doesn’t matter whether you can draw or not. This app allows anyone to easily create and share movie and manga storyboards!

Give form to your ideas and share them with people all over the world!

STEP 01 icon
Think of an idea.
Think of an idea for an anime, manga, drama, movie, or other story.
STEP 02 icon
Create your work.
Easily create movie and manga storyboards on your smartphone, even if you can’t draw!
STEP 03 icon
Share your creation.
Share your creation and it might reach readers all over the world!
How to use the app icon
How to use the app icon

Create your work.

The app allows you to easily create storyboards and manga layouts.

Movie storyboard creation flow

Movie storyboard creation flow

Let's try making a scene.

First, combine parts to portray the image you have in your mind.

Manga storyboard creation flow Icon

Manga storyboard creation flow

Create a panel layout.

You can select from templates or create your own.

Parts icon

More than 6 million different parts for use!

Freely select the expressions, angles, and poses for a rich selection of characters!

How to share your creations.
How to share your creations.

Share your creation.

Post your creation and you might find fans of your work. Don't miss your chance to become an author or director!


Try entering contests.

Contest explanation image

Contests will be held for debut of writers and directors. There is even a chance for winning entries to be adapted as anime, manga, or movies!

Contest explanation image

Try entering contests.

Contests will be held for debut of writers and directors. There is even a chance for winning entries to be adapted as anime, manga, or movies!


Use community features to support each other.

Community explanation image

You can follow creators who interst you, and comment and like creations.

Community explanation image

Use community features to support each other.

You can follow creators who interst you, and comment and like creations.


Share your creation with the world using automatic translation.

Automatic translation explanation image

Translate the text in your work using a single touch. Make your creation global to share with people all over the world.

Automatic translation explanation image

Share your creation with the world using automatic translation.

Translate the text in your work using a single touch. Make your creation global to share with people all over the world.


“Drawing pictures” is a wonderful, magical job. However, even people who cannot draw well have numerous stories to be told in their minds, so this World Maker app allows anyone to create movie and manga storyboards, and the other "blueprints" required to create a finished product. Even if you can’t draw, you can select parts and scenes to “tell a story” with accompanying visuals. Our management team hopes this app will serve as a tool to allow people all over the world use their imaginations to create wonderful stories and share them with others throughout the world. We would be extremely happy if World Maker can help you experience the joy of creating “stories” and “expressing” yourself!

“Drawing pictures” is a wonderful, magical job. However, even people who cannot draw well have numerous stories to be told in their minds, so this World Maker app allows anyone to create movie and manga storyboards, and the other "blueprints" required to create a finished product. Even if you can’t draw, you can select parts and scenes to “tell a story” with accompanying visuals. Our management team hopes this app will serve as a tool to allow people all over the world use their imaginations to create wonderful stories and share them with others throughout the world. We would be extremely happy if World Maker can help you experience the joy of creating “stories” and “expressing” yourself!

Frequently Asked Questions

A collection of frequently asked questions about World Maker.